A software for development of Polynomial Neural Network model
There is a software which can help to develop neural network models by the implementation of Polynomial Neural Network(PNN) algorithms like Group Method of Data Handling(GMDH). The procedure for development of the model is simple and easy to use.
Whenever data is entered the model will ask to identify input and output for the framework to be developed.
Once the input and output is marked the model will utilize GMDH algorithm to identify the optimal characteristics of the model. When the error is equal or reduced to the desired level of accuracy te model is stopped for development.
At the end,the model will generate an equation for estimation of the predicator along with relevant metrics like Root Mean Square Error,Correlation,Mean Absolute Error respectively which acts as the fitness function for selection of the optimal network.
The description of the working principle is discussed in detail at UO
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Whenever data is entered the model will ask to identify input and output for the framework to be developed.
Once the input and output is marked the model will utilize GMDH algorithm to identify the optimal characteristics of the model. When the error is equal or reduced to the desired level of accuracy te model is stopped for development.
At the end,the model will generate an equation for estimation of the predicator along with relevant metrics like Root Mean Square Error,Correlation,Mean Absolute Error respectively which acts as the fitness function for selection of the optimal network.
The description of the working principle is discussed in detail at UO
Thanking you,
Admin and Editor(hon) Utilize Optimally : Learn about Optimization by Soft-computation
Water based Renewable Energies
Call for Papers Special Issue
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