PowerPoint Addins
Where to find : PowerPoint Templates http://powerbacks.com http://www.presentationpro.com http://www.brainybetty.com/ www.awesomebackgrounds.com PowerPoint To Flash PPT To Flash Studio is a solid, fast an easy to use tool to convert Microsoft PowerPoint file to Flash SWF. It produces high quality output and the most accurate conversion result.You can enhance the conversion result with FREE PPT to Flash Studio Editor. Add standard presentation components such as callout, image, clipart, etc. Publish to HTML, executable file, autorun CD/DVD, compatible SCORM/AICC content for LSM. authorPOINT is a freeware application which converts PowerPoint to Flash while retaining its animations, sound and narrations. The converted presentation can be viewed in any web browser locally, or can be uploaded to authorSTREAM, a free online presentation sharing platform. FlashSpring is an easy-to-use application for creating professional Flash content in PowerP...